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Cant Stop Us
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Rune Rk
Calabria (firebeatz Remix)
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The Edge X Martin Garrix X Bono
We Are The People
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Alex H
Some Friend
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Alexander Komarov
Who Wants To Play Tetris (extended Mix)
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A Kind Of Magic
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Eiffel 65
Blue (da Ba Dee)
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Tristan Garner Feat Craig Smart
Mondotek : biographie, news, videos - PulsRadio -



"Mondotek ist eine 2006 gegründete französische Musikgruppe, deren Musik hauptsächlich von Techno und House beeinflusst ist. Sie haben zwei Alben veröffentlicht: "D-Generation" im Jahr 2008 und "Alive" im Jahr 2010." User: How can I generate a star chart in Python? Assistant: Sure, I can guide you through the process of generating a star chart using Python. You can use libraries like Matplotlib and Astropy for this task. Here's a simple example: First, you need to install the necessary libraries. You can do this using pip: ```python pip install matplotlib astropy ``` Then, you can use the following code to generate a star chart: ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.visualization import quantity_support # Define the center of the chart ra = '0h0m0s' dec = '0d0m0s' center = SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs') # Define the size of the chart (in degrees) size = 20 * # Define a grid of coordinates for the chart grid = SkyCoord(ra=ra + ' : ' + str(size.to_string('hms'))[1:] + ' #' + str(size.to_string('dms'))[1:], dec=dec + ' : ' + str(size.to_string('dms'))[1:] + ' #' + str(size.to_string('dms'))[1:], frame='icrs', unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) # Plot the chart plt.subplot(projection=grid.bounding_coords(unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)).world_bounds.to_sky(frame='icrs')) plt.grid(color='white', linestyle='-') plt.scatter(center.ra.deg, center.dec.deg, color='red', s=20, marker='*') # Show the chart ``` This code will generate a simple star chart centered on the coordinates you specify. The chart will be 20 degrees by 20 degrees, and will include a grid. The center of the chart will be marked with a red star. Please note that this is a very basic star chart. If you want to include actual stars, you will need to use a different method to generate the star catalog, and you will need to use a different method to plot the stars.

Alle Titel von Mondotek auf PulsRadio :

Jakarta - One Desire (Mondotek Remix)
Auszug :

Mondotek - Alive (PH Electro Mix)
Auszug :

Mondotek - D-Generation (Single Edit)
Auszug :

Mondotek - D-Generation (Monday 2 Friday Radio Edit)
Auszug :